Ekskluzivno iz Sarajeva…
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Rumunjska balerina Alexandra Bertea u prosincu je sindikatu i upravi kazališta prijavila v.d. ravnatelja baleta Dinka Bogdanića zbog vrijeđanja. Balerina u ekskluzivnom intervjuu za portal Scena.hr otkriva razloge zašto je otišla iz Hrvatskog narodnog kazališta u Splitu te progovorila o tome što se dogodilo na probi Orašara.
Scena: Napustili ste Hrvatsku i HNK Split. Kako se osjećate nakon svega što se dogodilo i kako ste se snašli u Sarajevu? Zašto ste napustili HNK Split?
Iz Splita sam otišla drugi dan nakon Nove godine. Trebala sam novi početak. Ono što se dogodilo u HNK-u Split želim ostaviti u prošlosti. Osjećam se odlično, nemam žaljenja, teško je samo po sebi kad radite tako veliku promjenu u životu. U Splitu sam se osjećala kao kod kuće. Upoznala sam mnoga lijepa mjesta i dobre ljude. No vjerujem da su promjene i dobre. Razlog zbog kojeg sam odlučila napustiti HNK Split je taj što se više tamo nisam osjećala dobrodošla. Nakon prosinca, osjećala sam lošu atmosferu tamo i nisam željela biti dio toga.
Scena: Kako ste se osjećali nakon skandala u Hrvatskom narodnom kazalištu Split?
Naravno, nakon skandala ljudi su se podijelili na dvije strane. Očigledno je da je većina baletne skupine čula i vidjela što se dogodilo. Sve se događalo tijekom probe. Pretpostavljam da neki koji su rekli da nisu čuli ništa loše od gospodina Bogdanića, nisu bili fokusirani na situaciju. Ja se nisam osjećala nesigurno jer se zapravo nisam bojala da ću izgubiti posao. Nisam učinila ništa loše. Na nesreću, ako imate ugovor na određeno, kakav sam ja imala s HNK, kazalište nema obvezu da produži ugovor s vama, ne moraju čak niti dati nikakav razlog, pa čak ne moraju ni najaviti da neće doći do produljenja ugovora. To je rizik koji sam ja preuzela.
Scena: Možete li nam reći kako ste se osjećali tog dana te što se dogodilo na probi?
Na probi sam se osjećala dobro. Bogdanić me pozvao na pozornicu prije same probe. Obavijestio me da ću morati zamijeniti jednu plesačicu koja je nedostajala. Nisam bila oduševljena time, ali dobro. U tri godine, koliko sam radila u HNK, nikad se nisam raspravljala oko odluka koje bi donio Bogdanić. Trudila sam se napraviti najbolje. Nisam učinila ništa pogrešno. Poštujem njegovu koreografiju. Kad smo završili s drugim činom bila sam na pozornici i čula sam da me poziva po imenu i govori nešto. Došla sam odmah i zamolila sam ga da mi ponovi upućeno jer ga nisam čula. On se jako uzrujao bacivši mikrofon i glasno je rekao ‘Jebena ciganko’. U tom trenutku bila sam šokirana. Pretpostavljala sam da nije to rekao, da nije rekao to meni. Teško mi je bilo to za vjerovati. Nakon toga su mi prišli kolege plesači upitavši me jesam li dobro? Oni se nisu činili iznenađeni. Mislim da nije bio prvi put da gospodin Bogdanović poprati rad plesača s neprimjerenim komentarima.
Scena: Što nam još možete reći o situaciji u kojoj ste se našli s gospodinom Dinkom Bogdanićem?
Nisam željela ići u javnost, uzrujala sam se kad sam vidjela posvuda u novinama o tome, a posebno kad sam vidjela kako novinari dodaju lažne stvari kako bi začinili priču. Pokušala sam ovu situaciju riješiti između mene i gospodina Bogdanovića odlaskom kod intendanta gospodina Golovka, pokušavala sam razumjeti njegovu ljutnju. On je odbio puno razgovarati o tome, zapravo nastavio je govoriti loše stvari, a u detalje ne bih htjela ulaziti. Zapravo je sve prilično jednostavno, kad imaš ugovor na određeno moraš trpjeti sve, bez prava da možeš bilo što reći. Ako želiš zadržati posao, drži svoja usta zatvorena. I to je razlog zašto drugi nisu stali uz mene.
Scena: Koje je vaše najveće razočaranje oko svega što se dogodilo?
Nemam nikakvo žaljenje. Jedino mi je žao što nisam imala više prilike da oduševim publiku u Splitu.
Scena: S vašeg stajališta, koji su najveći problemi plesača – stranaca u Hrvatskoj?
Najveći problem su ugovori. Vrlo je nesigurno i teško raditi sa strahom da nećete dobiti novi ugovor i da vam nitko neće reći razlog. Pogotovo ako ste stranac. Kao stranac morate rješavati probleme s bankom, s iznajmljivanjem stana, i druge živote probleme. Seljenje iz dana u dan, iz države u državu, nije jednostavno i nije normalno. Kad imate ugovor na određeno, godine koje radite po njemu vam se ne računaju u mirovinski staž. U HNK-u Split sam bila više od tri godine i vjerojatno će mi kasnije te godine nedostajati, to se mora riješiti i popraviti bez obzira tko vodi kazalište. S mog osnovnog stajališta članovi skupine, koji su radili prije tri godine u HNK –u, u vrijeme kad sam ja došla, pod vodstvom Almire Osmanović bili su profesionalno kvalitetniji nego članovi sada. Baletna skupina je izgubila više od deset ključnih plesača u protekloj godini.
Foto: Alexandra Bertea priv. album
Interview in English:
Scena: You leave Croatia and HNK Split. How you feel now after all that happened in Split, and how are you managing now in new town – Sarajevo? What were the reasons for this kind of decision to leave HNK?
I left Split in the second day of the New Year. I needed a fresh start. What happened in HNK I want to leave it in the past. I feel fine, no regrets, it’s just a bit hard when you make a big change in your life. I felt like home in Split. I got to know places, people. But changes are good, I believe. The reason that I decided to leave HNK ballet was that I didn’t feel welcome anymore there. After December, I felt a bad atmosphere in the studio and I didn’t want to be part of it.
Scena: After that scandal in HNK, how you felt?
Of course that after the scandal people got into two sides. It was obvious that most of the ballet company saw and heard the situation. It happened during the rehearsal. I mean, I guess they were not really focusing if some of them are saying that they didn’t hear anything bad coming from Mr. Bogdanić. I didn’t feel unsafe because I was not really afraid that I’m gonna lose my job. I didn’t do anything wrong. Unfortunately if you have honorary contract(part time job), how I had in HNK, the theatre is not obligated to continue with your contract, they don’t have to give you any reasons and they don’t even have to let you know with some time before. It was a risk that I took.
Scena: Could you tell to us, how you feel in that day on the preparations for the ‘Oresar’?
I was feeling fine in rehearsal. Mr. Bogdanić called me on the stage before the reheasal. He let me know that I have to replace one colleague that was missing. I was not second cast for that, but fine. In 3 years that I’m working with HNK I never argued with Mr. Bogdanič or his decisions.
I tried to do my best. I didn’t do anything wrong. I respected his choreography and so on.. when we finished the second act, I was backstage and I heard him calling my name and saying something. I came immediately on stage and asked if he would like to repeat because I didn’t hear his correction. He got really upset throwing the microphone and ending up with saying “fucking gypsies”. On the moment I was shocked. I was assuming that he didn’t say that, maybe not to me. It was hard to believe. Then some of my colleagues came to me to ask if I am ok. They didn’t seem to be so surprised. I mean, it’s not the first time when Mr. B has really rude and inappropriate commentaries to the dancers.
Scena: What is you highlight’s about the situation in which you found yourself because situation in HNK Split?
I didn’t want to make it public. I was upset when I saw it in the newspapers everywhere and especially that the writers were adding fake things to spice the story. I tried to solve this situation between me and mr. B. Before going to intendant Golovko, I tried to understand his anger towards me by talking to him. He refused to talk much. Actually he was getting angrier and continued to say bad things that I don’t want to go into details anymore. Bassicly it’s pretty simple. Once you have honorary contract you have to endure everything with no right of saying something… if you want to keep your job, keep your mouth shut as well. This is why most of the ballet company didn’t stand by me.
Scena: What was yours biggest disappointment in this situation?
I said before that I don’t have regrets. But I think I was wrong. I am sorry that I didn’t have more opportunities to please the audience in Split.
Scena: From your personal perspective, what is the biggest problem for ballet dancers in Croatia, especially with foreigners’ dancers?
The biggest problem is the contracts. It’s really unstable to work with fear that you will probably not sign another one and no one will let you know or give you reasons. Especially if you are a foreigner. You need to solve things with bank, rent and so on. Moving from one country to another from one day to another is not easy and I assume is not normal. Once you have honorary contract, your years that you work are not counting for pension. I stayed more than 3 years without an actual place in the company that probably I will feel it later. This is a thing that needs to be fixed no matter of the person who leeds the company.
From my personal perspective the members of the company that were working for HNK ballet 3 years ago when I came, during the leading of Almira Osmanović, were professionally better then the members now. I think that the company lost more than ten essential dancers in the last year.
Foto: Alexandra Bertea priv. album